Situational Analysis Program
The Situational Analysis Program with HSE participation is focused on the key areas of Russian foreign policy. The Program concludes a series of studies and is conducted by the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at the Higher School of Economics under the patronage of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the support of the Roscongress Foundation, the Russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs, the Public Council on Foreign and Defense Policy and the Russia in Global Affairs journal. Based on the results of situational analyzes, published reports are aimed at suggesting ideas for Russian politics in a fundamentally changing world.
Wide Coverage
The "New understanding and ways of strengthening multilateral strategic stability" 2019 report has become the most discussed expert product of the year in international relations and foreign policy fields. At least 49 publications in Russian media, six broadcasts on Russian television and radio, and twelve publications in foreign media in English and Russian.
Participation in the Project
More than 50 experts have taken part in the situational analysis. Among them: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, nine department directors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs department, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, eight professors of the Higher School of Economics, MGIMO, Nobel Peace Prize laureate from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and others. More than 30 people were involved in small group discussions.
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